
Open Source Binaural Beats

Open Source iOS sample app Last month, I made the Binaural apps FREE for both iOS and android. I’ve now taken it a step further and made the algorithms open source. You can now go to my github page and download fully working sample apps that generate binaural beats and isochronic pulses. Then, you can use these algorithms in your own apps. If you end up using any of this code, give ma shout, and maybe I’ll feature your app on this blog!Even though software development can be a great me […]

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Holiday Gifts: Part I – Free Nature Sounds!

It’s time for the season of giving! I am going to give away some special gifts this month, and the first one I’m giving away is nature sounds! The Sleep app for iOS comes with a set of nature sounds to help sooth you to sleep, but the app has an in-app purchase to more than double the library of nature sounds.  Previously, the expansion pack cost $3.99, but I have just changed the app today to make the expansion pack FREE! This means, if you buy the Sleep App for iOS, you have the option t […]

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Hot Bath Meditation

There are many ways to meditate! As part of a cleanse, I’ve been taking a hot bath every day for the last two months. A hot bath is a great way to meditate, and it is also a great way for your body to detoxify itself! You can do this in a hot tub or sauna, but since most people have a bathtub, a hot bath is easier.Like me, you might have a tendency to get out of a hot tub after about 5 minutes as you start to sweat. But if you can hang in there, that’s only the beginning of where the fun starts […]

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Guided Meditation Treks for Android!

Screenshot from the Android App GMT V1 To complement the iOS app and cover all bases, I am pleased to announce that Guided Meditation Treks V1 and Guided Meditation Treks V2 are now available as apps for Android Devices!  Now you can control the volume of the different elements to the guided meditations, as well as select between isochronic pulses or binaural beats for the brainwave entrainment track. Check […]

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Binaural app for Android

Binaural for Android My app, Binaural, is now available for Android. I’ve taken all the feedback I’ve recieved from the iOS version of this app and incorporated it into the Android verison. Binaural lets a user directly enter frequencies they wish to use to generate their own binaural beats and isochronic pulses. In addition, the Android version of the app includes a background noise track to help put the binaural beats in the background behind soothing noise.Also, if you don’t want to do the re […]

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Who Needs Obamacare When You Have Meditation?

A new research study shows that a little yoga or meditation a day might just keep the doctor away.​Stress-related health problems are responsible for up to 80{517948df36ad51d7417aad347fee66a5a596eda505fff08c49e5c8a00692fdd7} of visits to the doctor and account for the third highest health care expenditures, behind only heart disease and cancer. But as few as 3{517948df36ad51d7417aad347fee66a5a596eda505fff08c49e5c8a00692fdd7} of doctors actually talk to patients about how to reduce stress. Read More… […]

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Mindfulness Meditation May Improve Memory for Teens

Adolescents assigned to a mindfulness meditation program appeared to have improvements in memory in a recent study.”These results are consistent with a growing body of research in adults that has found mindfulness meditation to be a helpful tool for enhancing working memory capacity,” said Kristen E. Jastrowski Mano of the psychology department at the University of Cincinnati, who coauthored the new study. Read more… […]

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Cleanse a Drama Cycle

Clease a Drama Cycle Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~Albert EinsteinHere’s a guest blog post I wrote on about drama cycles, and how you can cleanse your own drama cycles with my new app for iOS!Read More… […]

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Abundance and Cooperation

Ganesha: remover of obstacles Someone out there owns the url Instead of hoarding it to themselves for only their specific products and services, they have opened it up so that people like me can create practitioner accounts and make guest blog posts. That’s the spirit of cooperation and abundance that we all preach as yoga and meditation practitioners. In that spirit, I have written a guest blog post on the topic!You can read it here… […]

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Turn Anywhere into a Meditation Temple with a Smartphone

“Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.” ~ Lao Tzu The new album Think you aren’t any good at meditation? Wondering how to find the time to meditate? Too much going through your head to focus? Sit back and relax while you watch the images in your mind’s eye and connect with your higher self using this new meditation app for iOS. As a follow up to the previous Guided Meditation Treks and Binaural apps released earlier this summer, tune into the latest […]

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