
The Energy Exchange of Healing and Money

This is my first of a series of guest blog posts as part of my publicity push for my new iOS apps, released this week. This article discusses the sometimes taboo subject of healers who charge for their services. This applies to any type of healer, from a musician to a clairvoyant to a yoga instructor to even those healers we don’t question sending money to: doctors. The concept comes back to a simple measurement: energy exchange. Read the article on Top Guided Meditations… […]

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New guided meditation and binaural beats apps for iOS!

Press Release: Sunday, March 1,“It is wisdom to know others; it is enlightenment to know one’s self.” ~Lau-tzu Guided Meditation Treks has released two new meditation apps for iOS. The first is an app version of the debut album, “Guided Meditation Treks Vol 1.” Four meditations of spoken word, binaural beats, isochronic tones, pink noise, and nature sounds help you connect to your higher self. The app allows volume control of each elem […]

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Mindful USC Studies

Wow, USC has several studies showing the benefits of mindfulness in our daily lives. From changing brain structures in old people (something we once thought was impossible) to sleeping better at night by being more aware during the day to increasing your attention span or quitting alcohol, mindfulness practice can change your life! Here are some studies from this enlightening organization! […]

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5 Steps to Overcoming the Greatest Obstacle to Spiritual Awareness

The Buddha famously said that the cause of suffering (dukkha) is clinging. In fact, it is the second of his Four Noble Truths. For most people this idea speaks to the things in our lives that we like and want to hold onto, and the things we do not like and we want to make go away. While there is truth in this view, it is nonetheless one step removed from the deeper truth that most fail to see. The attempt to identify everything that I like or don’t like and what I am holding ont […]

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Mindfulness practice leads to increases in regional brain gray matter density

Therapeutic interventions that incorporate training in mindfulness meditation have become increasingly popular, but to date, little is known about neural mechanisms associated with these interventions. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), one of the most widely used mindfulness training programs, has been reported to produce positive effects on psychological well-being and to ameliorate symptoms of a number of disorders. Here, we report a controlled longitudinal study to investigat […]

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How to Meditate Lying Down

There are two modes of Son Buddhist meditation: “Son in the midst of stillness” and “Son in the midst of commotion.” I simply call them the “quiet” and “active” modes of meditation. Quiet meditation commonly refers to traditional seated meditation but includes any meditative form where you’re not moving. Active meditation refers to meditating while in motion in the midst of daily life.  Read more… […]

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4 Ways Meditation Can Empower Millennials At Work and in Life

Oh, I’ve researched you, you millennials. You are the largest living generation (those born roughly between the 80s and mid 2000s) and are a quarter of our population. And, cringe, you have been given some intensely negative labels. People profess that you have an out-of-proportion level of self-esteem, carry a sense of entitlement larger than a Big Gulp and have a lamer work ethic than the slackers of my generation. On the other hand, there are some equally potent positives. Your group is […]

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