All of the guided meditations are meant to be broadcast through high-fidelity headphones. When hosting workshops, Guided Meditation Treks utilizes high-quality wireless headphones that include noise-cancelling technology and wrap completely around your ears so you can be taken into your own internal world without being distracted by the outside physical realm that surrounds your body.
Guided Meditation Spoken Word Dialog
All of the words of all of the meditations have been carefully chosen to help guide you to your personal goals. The meditation dialogs have a balance between making them specific enough to help you realize the topic of intention while being generic enough to help you make the experience your own. All the voice tracks have been written and spoken by the author of the meditation itself, and a great deal of care and love has gone into each word of each meditation. Even if you are a beginner at meditation, these guided meditations are easy to follow. All you need to do is just follow the voice.
Pink Noise
All of the tracks have some degree of pink noise in the background, which could be in the form of a soothing waterfall, ocean waves, crickets, steady rain, or computer-generated noise. This is to further help you be drawn into the experience, and it helps generate a blank canvas on which your mind can paint its pictures.
Solfeggio Tones
Some of the meditations utilize the Solfeggio tones. The Solfeggio tones are an ancient musical scale that existed long before Western music, and when explored with mathematics and science, many interesting patterns emerge that point to the angelic nature of these notes. Every note in the scale has its own characteristics, and the appropriate tones are placed in the appropriate places during the meditations to enhance the other technologies used. In some tracks, the Solfeggios are expressed within ambient musical arrangements.
Binaural Beats

The meditation programs utilize frequencies for certain characteristics of the sound. However, there’s a second dimension to the tones, and those are the frequencies in line with what an EEG machine might read when in a relaxed state, which are at less than 15hz. The goal is to help get your brain down to those frequencies by introducing sound. This is called “brain wave synchronization” or “entrainment.” There are many methods used to get your brain to these frequencies. One would be a huge subwoofer or low frequency pulse generator. However, the human ear is not generally capable of picking up on frequencies below 20hz (your aura on the other hand, that’s a different argument), At any rate, there are other ways to allow your brain to casually slip into these frequencies.
One example is binaural beats. Binaural beats are a technology discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove, but only since the wide availability of headphones has it been practical to utilize. For these, each ear in your headphones is at a slightly different frequency, and your brain sums up the difference of these frequencies to create a new frequency that has its own characteristics.
The idea is that, upon hearing these frequencies through your headphones, your brain naturally synchronizes with them. Therefore, if for example, you mind is racing and your EEG is at 60hz, but you want to be in a meditative alpha state of 8hz, by utilizing a binaural beat at that frequency, your mind will naturally synchronize itself it, thus bringing you into a state more receptive to the work at hand.
PDF on Binaural Beats
Isochronic Pulses
Isochronic Pulses are an alternative to Binaural Beats. In order to get to the “sweet spot” of your brain waves, instead of sending two different frequencies in each ear, the same frequency is sent. However, the frequency contains amplitude pulses. This means that for 8hz, the volume goes up and down 8 times per second. There are studies that support binaural beats as well as isochronic pulses for brain wave synchronization. In any given meditation, only one technology or the other is used. However, both can be combined into a hybrid approach, and this can be found in select tracks. Every meditation is unique in the technology, art, and words, and intention put into it.
Ambient Music
The newer treks include layers of ambient music that bring the meditations to life. Music is a language we all understand, and pleasant harmonic tones add to the relaxation, enjoyment, and richness of the experience.
Combining elements of sound technology, psychology, motivational concepts, and our own personal flavor of
“empirical theism” to help us reach our greatest potential and benefit to all in day to day life.