
My Second Ayahuasca Experience

It has been several years since I’ve visited Ma Ayahuasca, and this story was written back then, but not published until now. Interesting; I think it contains wisdom. Notably, “Humans don’t exactly ‘need’ drugs like ayahuasca, but when we expose…

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Find Your Wisdom Teachings

We can spend all day every day in the dark, meditating in silence, doing all the yoga our body can stand, being mindful of every moment, but is it enough to evolve our soul? Many would say yes, but I’ve always found a place in my heart for inspirational wisdom teachings, dharma talks, and books written by others who may be further along the path than me. Even in the Eight Limbs of Yoga, two of them, the Yamas and Niyamas, cover the esoteric teachings of ethics and religion. It’s no wonder that […]

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Sending Helpful Thoughtforms and Theosophy

Theosophy Thoughts are things. In my latest album, I wrote a meditation inspired by two writers in the field of Theosophy. Here’s an article I wrote about this meditation and these concepts on theosophy.net. They outline how our thoughts are not insignificant, and that it is our duty to watch what we think, as well as what we say.Read more… […]

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Without Meditation, Yoga is Just Exercise Class

Here’s a blog I wrote on my personal website about yoga and meditation, based off of the yoga sutra’s eight limbs of meditation. I am receiving my official yoga teacher training certification from Yoga Alliance this spring, and I was inspired to write this blog based on what I’d learned through the course. It essentially points out that Yoga is an ancient phenomenon rooted in meditation, and only in recent times has it changed into being focused on body positions and asana! In fact, most of mod […]

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Meet your Spirit Guide!

My final guest blog this week was posted on the website of clairvoyant-medium and tarot reader Tracy Fance. It briefly discusses the idea of ‘occultism’ and ‘knowledge of the hidden,’ as well as how I got started in the field of writing guided meditations. Meet Your Spirit guide is the first track on my first album and app. Read More… […]

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5 Steps to Overcoming the Greatest Obstacle to Spiritual Awareness

The Buddha famously said that the cause of suffering (dukkha) is clinging. In fact, it is the second of his Four Noble Truths. For most people this idea speaks to the things in our lives that we like and want to hold onto, and the things we do not like and we want to make go away. While there is truth in this view, it is nonetheless one step removed from the deeper truth that most fail to see. The attempt to identify everything that I like or don’t like and what I am holding ont […]

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Buddha on Meditation

Buddha was asked, “What have you gained from meditation?” He replied, “Nothing.” However, Buddha said, “Let me tell you what I lost : Anger, anxiety, depression, insecurity, fear of old age and death.” […]

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Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies

THE HUMAN DNA IS A BIOLOGICAL INTERNET and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and r […]

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