
The Science Behind Binaural Beats

The concept of Binaural Beats was first discovered by ​Heinrich Wilhelm Dove in the early 1800s(1), when he mounted tuning forks at different frequencies at the end of tubes that went into listeners’ ears. The listener perceived a third frequency, which was a difference between the two tones. This concept was mostly just a curiosity until the 1970s, when Dr. Gerald Oster wrote a scientific article that fully outlined the phenonenon(2). In the 50 years that followed, there has been mu […]

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Binaural Beats Use Cases

It is well established that binaural beats can affect states of mind by “programming” the frequency of the brain. However, can binaural beats also be used to affect the physical body? For example, can binaural beats trigger the endocrine system to produce and release molecules into the bloodstream? Can they connect the mind to the astral plane, or induce an out of body experience? Over the years, there has been much written about the special powers of binaural beats. Some of it has been support […]

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Free Will Test in a Cage Today

​In these unprecedented times of quarantines and curfews, the key factor of our human morality we are processing is that of “free will.” Free Will is the most quintessential element of our existence here on planet earth. Of course, we…

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Meditation: The Untold Benefits for a Healthier Body

Guest blog by Sarah Every time you watch television, open up a magazine, grab a flyer or simply turn down the corner, there seems to be some new fad or health guru proclaiming that this is the key to self-improvement, better health, more energy, and a better peace of mind. So rarely are any of these promises delivered upon. But there seems to be a small group of people who are getting it right. There appears to be a correlation, backed up by science that people who routinely practice medi […]

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Double-Slit Experiment on Steroids

You may be familiar with the fact that the double-slit experiment of quantum physics scientifically supports the notion that observation and belief creates reality. However, they took the experiment a step farther to show us an example of how this experiment also supports the notion that observation, interpretation, and expectation can even rewrite PAST reality.​YOU are the creator! […]

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The Placebo Effect is Good Medicine

Documentary on the Placebo Effect Many look to science to determine the effectiveness of certain treatments on our health, and there is a belief in Western medicine that the solution to our problems is some procedure or pill from the outside. I write a lot about the power we have to heal ourselves, but sometimes it may seem unscientific to hold this view.Western medicine looks to physical science to prove or disprove certain hypotheses. However, Eastern belief systems indicate that our physical […]

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They Live

I recently rewatched the cult classic movie They Live, and I was reminded how poignant this movie from 1988 remains to this day. Starring former professional wrestler “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, the movie is about a global conspiracy of intergalactic beings who…

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An Experiment with Meditators Shows That Human Mind Can Interfere with Quantum Objects

This article is an oldie but goodie… A lot of researchers have recently started to conduct a variety of experiments to understand whether or not the human consciousness has any effect on the physical world. A lot of experiments have already drawn conclusive results aiming towards the subtle effect that human mind has on the surrounding material world. One such experiment is the double slit experiment in which meditators and non-meditators were given specific instructions that could alter the […]

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