I’m sure we all know of at least one “drama queen” or have experienced various “drama cycles” in our lives. Some people seem to attract this drama, and working with these people often results in a laborious process of trying to cut through the drama to peacefully coexist. Of course, drama involves feelings, and we know that we should not suppress or swallow our true feelings. Instead, it can be helpful to acknowledge and accept our feelings, even the ugly ones. Accepting our feelings gives us a compass to act upon. If we don’t accept our feelings, then they can’t teach us anything. That said, there often eventually comes a time where we must let go of our feelings, lest they consume us. This is another form of acceptance. We can even accept our ugly feelings without letting them consume us, and be at peace with them as they linger. But the failure to accept feelings in the first place, and then the failure to accept what they teach us will cause us drama.

Not Accepting Boundaries Causes Drama

We all have the right to choose our own boundaries. We call this discernment. We need to set boundaries in order to live a healthy and productive life on the earthly plane. Without boundaries, we would have no control over our own experience. One sure-fire way to create drama is to overstep someone else’s boundaries. When we don’t accept someone’s boundaries, we are bound to create drama. Do you notice other people’s boundaries before you act or speak? If not, you are probably creating drama.

Not Accepting that “Shit Happens” Causes Drama

We’ve all had shitty things happen to us in life. No matter how many boundaries we try to set, we are bound to have experiences that don’t turn out the way we’d hoped. This causes us to feel bad, whether we feel bad about ourselves, others, or the situation in which we find ourselves. Shit happens. It’s even ok to feel bad about it. After all, how else would we know it was shit unless we felt like shit afterwards? Feelings and emotions are the signals that lead us to understand positive and negative experiences. That said, at some point, in a healthy life progression, we will acknowledge what happened, acknowledge our feelings about it, and then accept it for what it is. We may fail to do any of these things, either by denying that “shit happened,” getting stuck on our emotions about “the shit that happened,” trying to change the past shit that happened, or not accepting that, in the future, yes, shit can still happen. In these cases on non-acceptance we create drama for ourselves and those around us.

Not Accepting Someone for Who They Are Creates Drama

Through co-dependent patterns, narcissistic needs, or fear of being alone, we often put ourselves in positions with others with whom we are incompatible. At that point, we have two options. We can either accept them for who they are and be at peace coexisting with that, or we can decide to break contact with that person and stay away. Unfortunately, we often opt for a third option where we try to change the other person to fit into something we can accept. Not accepting that “Sometimes things don’t work out and we should go our separate ways” creates drama.

Drama Cycles are a loop of non-acceptance

In my meditation on drama cycles, we took a metaphysical approach to unraveling and deprogramming the causes of drama cycles in our lives. If we were to take a more analytical/logical approach to solving the drama cycle, it would be to hone in on the root cause of the cycle that stems from non-acceptance. For example, if we end up in abusive relationships over and over, what are we not accepting? Are we sticking around thinking things will change? Are we attracting low vibrations because we do not accept that we are worthy for something better? Are we not accepting (then dissolving) our own co-dependent patterns that lead us to “save” these wounded souls? What are you not accepting in your life that is creating drama cycles?


Think back to your own experiences with drama. In each instance, can you figure out what it was that someone was not accepting? If so, you might have just discovered the root of the drama!


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