
How to Sit for Meditation

For those of us doing the “standard” meditation practice of sitting upright in silence with our eyes closed to observe ourselves, it’s good to be aware of the position we take to do this. I’ve always personally been rather inflexible through my years, so I generally take the easy way out and allow my back to be supported by something as I meditate. I reckon that this is much better than not meditating at all. That said, I do find it important to occasionally try stricter postures, and of course […]

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Meditation: The Untold Benefits for a Healthier Body

Guest blog by Sarah Every time you watch television, open up a magazine, grab a flyer or simply turn down the corner, there seems to be some new fad or health guru proclaiming that this is the key to self-improvement, better health, more energy, and a better peace of mind. So rarely are any of these promises delivered upon. But there seems to be a small group of people who are getting it right. There appears to be a correlation, backed up by science that people who routinely practice medi […]

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Create Binaural Beats Online

Binaural Beats Help the Brain One of the fundamentals of Guided Meditation Treks is the concept of brainwave entrainment with binaural beats. Most of the meditation programs offered through this site implement some form of “binaural beats,” which is a technology scientifically shown to steer your brainwaves towards certain frequencies. With this technology, your mind can be coaxed into becoming sleepy, focused, relaxed, or even creative. Binaural Beats are embedded into Guided Meditation Treks a […]

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Free 10-Day Meditation Course

I’ve had my kundalini awakened by a Siddha Yogi in India, visited ma ayahuasca with shamans, participated in white tantric yoga, become certified in reikki and breathwork, worked with the akashic records, practiced guided and silent meditation for years, experienced…

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The Meditation Used By Buddha to Find Enlightenment

I just got back from a 10-day retreat in Kaufman, Texas, where I learned teachings passed down for centuries from the man himself, Gautama Buddha. If learning to meditate like Buddha isn’t a great marketing spin for a meditation retreat, I don’t know what is! The seminar was a mind-blowing experience with its share of ups and downs. This is my story, and my take on the meditation technique of vipassana. Seeking a Teacher, Not a Guru S.N. Goenka The retreat was posthumously hosted by S. N […]

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Four Unique Meditation Practices You Need to Know About

I am a strong believer in understanding and trying many different meditation disciplines to find the one(s) that work for you. This guest blog written by Diamond over at eHealthInformer outlines four of them. ​ Though meditation has been around for centuries, it’s still only just starting to take off in the Western world. It first gained popularity in the West during the 1960s as culture changed with music and narcotic experimentation. The Beatles learned Transcendent […]

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Hot Bath Meditation

There are many ways to meditate! As part of a cleanse, I’ve been taking a hot bath every day for the last two months. A hot bath is a great way to meditate, and it is also a great way for your body to detoxify itself! You can do this in a hot tub or sauna, but since most people have a bathtub, a hot bath is easier.Like me, you might have a tendency to get out of a hot tub after about 5 minutes as you start to sweat. But if you can hang in there, that’s only the beginning of where the fun starts […]

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Binaural app for Android

Binaural for Android My app, Binaural, is now available for Android. I’ve taken all the feedback I’ve recieved from the iOS version of this app and incorporated it into the Android verison. Binaural lets a user directly enter frequencies they wish to use to generate their own binaural beats and isochronic pulses. In addition, the Android version of the app includes a background noise track to help put the binaural beats in the background behind soothing noise.Also, if you don’t want to do the re […]

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