
New Healing Breathwork Album

Guided Meditation Treks is proud to announce the next album: Healing Breathwork. The culmination of years of life experience with this type of meditation modality and a 4-level training from my mentor on the subject, David Elliott, this is the 5th album from Guided Meditation Treks. The topics for this album go deep into both the light and dark elements of our lives that may need healing.The first track, Stepping Into Your Power, reminds us of the inherent power we have as a soul in this incarn […]

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New Pricing for iOS Apps

Due to recent changes in the iOS store, as well as feedback from users, the Guided Meditation Treks V1 and V2 apps for iOS have undergone an upgrade. Previously, these apps each came with one meditation, with the option to purchase 3 more. With this change, the app now includes ALL FOUR of the meditations at one price. All previous users of the app will be “grandfathered in” and can receive all of the meditations for free, simply by upgrading to the latest version of the app. As an added token […]

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moxaLight: Acupuncture Without Needles

I’ve been an avid consumer of acupuncture for over a decade. As a software developer and pianist, I spend a lot of time at a keyboard using my wrists and arms. This causes tension that runs up my arms, and also around my shoulders and into my neck and back. I believe that regular acupuncture has helped keep me from developing severe tendonitis, or worse, carpal tunnel syndrome. I try to go twice a month, and I’ve advised friends to use it for their own muscular pain and tension. However, some p […]

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Breaking up is hard to do…

Fortunately, I am currently in a nurturing and stable relationship with an amazing, caring, and beautiful soul. However, this hasn’t always been the case. I’ve had a few break-ups, and I can tell you from experience that severing the cord was not always easy. Especially if you are a loving and caring person, it can be hard to let go of someone with whom you once shared everything in your life. I always set intentions around my break-ups to cut loose my former lovers in a way that is for the grea […]

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Vipassana Android App Released!

To complete the trifecta, the android version of the Vipassana App has been released to production on the Google Play Store! It was quite a journey to practice this meditation twice daily for a year after an intense 10-day retreat to learn it. I had a great time practicing this type of meditation as well as making the app. I even mentored a junior developer who is learning Java/Android development in the process. It was a fun ride, and I noticed many changes in myself over the past year. With t […]

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Vipassana iOS app released!

Today, we have released the Vipassana app to the iOS store.In this meditation app, we explore the technique of body sensation awareness made popular by the Theravada Buddhists. The app makes it easy for beginners to learn this ancient practice.Start with the breath… a simple shamatha practice to focus on your breathingContinue with the sensations of breath… two anapana breath meditations which will sharpen the mindWitness your body’s surface sensations… four different vipassana medit […]

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Vipassana mp3 Album Released!

The latest album from Guided Meditation Treks is out on CDBaby in mp3 format! It will be available on iTunes, spotify, and other streaming providers in the coming weeks. Not to mention, the iOS and android apps for this album are almost complete and ready for release on their respective app stores. You can learn more about the album at the Vipassana page, purchase it on CDBaby, or wait a bit for it to be released in the iOS and Android app stores in the coming weeks. There will be another post […]

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Find Your Wisdom Teachings

We can spend all day every day in the dark, meditating in silence, doing all the yoga our body can stand, being mindful of every moment, but is it enough to evolve our soul? Many would say yes, but I’ve always found a place in my heart for inspirational wisdom teachings, dharma talks, and books written by others who may be further along the path than me. Even in the Eight Limbs of Yoga, two of them, the Yamas and Niyamas, cover the esoteric teachings of ethics and religion. It’s no wonder that […]

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Can Meditation and Yoga Improve Your Intuition?

Any yoga enthusiast will tell you that the activity is not simply a form of exercise. Granted, yoga does offer many physical benefits. Harvard Health Blog details quite a few. For example, they state that yoga provides a reduced risk of heart disease because of deep breathing exercises that help lower blood pressure; also, it has been shown that the meditation calms the nervous system and improves immune function. Furthermore, regular yoga sessions are known to ease chronic back pain […]

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