Due to recent changes in the iOS store, as well as feedback from users, the Guided Meditation Treks V1 and V2 apps for iOS have undergone an upgrade. Previously, these apps each came with one meditation, with the option to purchase 3 more. With this change, the app now includes ALL FOUR of the meditations at one price. All previous users of the app will be “grandfathered in” and can receive all of the meditations for free, simply by upgrading to the latest version of the app. As an added token […]
I’ve been an avid consumer of acupuncture for over a decade. As a software developer and pianist, I spend a lot of time at a keyboard using my wrists and arms. This causes tension that runs up my arms, and also around my shoulders and into my neck and back. I believe that regular acupuncture has helped keep me from developing severe tendonitis, or worse, carpal tunnel syndrome. I try to go twice a month, and I’ve advised friends to use it for their own muscular pain and tension. However, some p […]
Buid your own meditation apps with my templates on GitHub With the release of the Vipassana App, and in keeping with the spirit of the late SN Goenka to offer free services that helps others, I have made the code for these apps open source to the public (except for the audio files).Why is this helpful? It allows anyone to pull down a copy of my code, make a few changes to it, add your own images and audio, then create your own meditation apps! It requires a little bit of technical knowledge to c […]
To complete the trifecta, the android version of the Vipassana App has been released to production on the Google Play Store! It was quite a journey to practice this meditation twice daily for a year after an intense 10-day retreat to learn it. I had a great time practicing this type of meditation as well as making the app. I even mentored a junior developer who is learning Java/Android development in the process. It was a fun ride, and I noticed many changes in myself over the past year. With t […]
Today, we have released the Vipassana app to the iOS store.In this meditation app, we explore the technique of body sensation awareness made popular by the Theravada Buddhists. The app makes it easy for beginners to learn this ancient practice.Start with the breath… a simple shamatha practice to focus on your breathingContinue with the sensations of breath… two anapana breath meditations which will sharpen the mindWitness your body’s surface sensations… four different vipassana medit […]
Guest blog by Sarah Every time you watch television, open up a magazine, grab a flyer or simply turn down the corner, there seems to be some new fad or health guru proclaiming that this is the key to self-improvement, better health, more energy, and a better peace of mind. So rarely are any of these promises delivered upon. But there seems to be a small group of people who are getting it right. There appears to be a correlation, backed up by science that people who routinely practice medi […]
Open Source iOS sample app Last month, I made the Binaural apps FREE for both iOS and android. I’ve now taken it a step further and made the algorithms open source. You can now go to my github page and download fully working sample apps that generate binaural beats and isochronic pulses. Then, you can use these algorithms in your own apps. If you end up using any of this code, give ma shout, and maybe I’ll feature your app on this blog!Even though software development can be a great me […]
You may be familiar with the fact that the double-slit experiment of quantum physics scientifically supports the notion that observation and belief creates reality. However, they took the experiment a step farther to show us an example of how this experiment also supports the notion that observation, interpretation, and expectation can even rewrite PAST reality.YOU are the creator! […]
Binaural was my first app created for both Android and iOS. It has been for sale for 99 cents for the last year. Well, after making a brand new update to the iOS version of the app this week to allow a custom volume control, I’ve decided to go ahead and give this app away for free!You can feel free to use the binaural app for iOS or android to create your own guided meditations. After all, the world needs more meditation! These apps will allow you to generate your own binaural beats, as w […]
Appliv presents another review; this time for the Android version of the Guided Meditation Treks debut album. Check it out. […]