Tag: guided-meditation

The Wim Hof Method

Wim Hof There are many variations on the general concept of “Pranayama Meditation” — The meditation of the breath. At Meditation Treks, we have released the Healing Breathwork Album, which creates an oxygen rich environment in the body while guiding you through this state of consciousness with meditations that focus the mind on different cognitive behavioral states to clear old patterns and establish new ones. The pranayama practice of the Breathwork album is strikingly similar to (though not e […]

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Volume 2 On Bandcamp

Guided Meditation Treks, Vol 2 has been added to BandCamp. You can find it on the Guided Meditation Treks artist page there! You can also stream it below…Guided Meditation Treks, Vol 2 by Guided Meditation Treks […]

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New Healing Breathwork Album

Guided Meditation Treks is proud to announce the next album: Healing Breathwork. The culmination of years of life experience with this type of meditation modality and a 4-level training from my mentor on the subject, David Elliott, this is the 5th album from Guided Meditation Treks. The topics for this album go deep into both the light and dark elements of our lives that may need healing.The first track, Stepping Into Your Power, reminds us of the inherent power we have as a soul in this incarn […]

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Vipassana mp3 Album Released!

The latest album from Guided Meditation Treks is out on CDBaby in mp3 format! It will be available on iTunes, spotify, and other streaming providers in the coming weeks. Not to mention, the iOS and android apps for this album are almost complete and ready for release on their respective app stores. You can learn more about the album at the Vipassana page, purchase it on CDBaby, or wait a bit for it to be released in the iOS and Android app stores in the coming weeks. There will be another post […]

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Create Binaural Beats Online

Binaural Beats Help the Brain One of the fundamentals of Guided Meditation Treks is the concept of brainwave entrainment with binaural beats. Most of the meditation programs offered through this site implement some form of “binaural beats,” which is a technology scientifically shown to steer your brainwaves towards certain frequencies. With this technology, your mind can be coaxed into becoming sleepy, focused, relaxed, or even creative. Binaural Beats are embedded into Guided Meditation Treks a […]

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40 Days of Meditation

My friend, Robin D Bruce, has released a new book called 40 Meditations: Stories Inspired by Yoga and Practices for Transformation, available now at Amazon. I can definitely vouch for this book, and I even helped do a little bit of grammar editing. Robin gives us 40 personal stories that arose through her experience with yoga and meditation. Some of them are touching; some of them are embarrassing; and some of them are downright hilarious. Then, each chapter ends with a meditation exercise and […]

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New iOS Sleep App and mp3 Album

(Texas, December 2015) – Guided Meditation Treks, a spoken word meditation sound healing project created by Russell Eric Dobda, has released a new iOS App and mp3 collection entitled “Sleep” to help listeners fall asleep quickly, enjoy a power nap, or induce a lucid dream.The app and album are built on a foundation of several looped nature sounds such as rain, waterfalls, drone noises, birds, and other sonic soundscapes to wash over a cluttered mind and put it into a relaxed s […]

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Cleanse a Drama Cycle

Clease a Drama Cycle Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~Albert EinsteinHere’s a guest blog post I wrote on SelfGrowth.com about drama cycles, and how you can cleanse your own drama cycles with my new app for iOS!Read More… […]

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Turn Anywhere into a Meditation Temple with a Smartphone

“Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.” ~ Lao Tzu The new album Think you aren’t any good at meditation? Wondering how to find the time to meditate? Too much going through your head to focus? Sit back and relax while you watch the images in your mind’s eye and connect with your higher self using this new meditation app for iOS. As a follow up to the previous Guided Meditation Treks and Binaural apps released earlier this summer, tune into the latest […]

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