Guided Meditation Treks, Vol 2 has been added to BandCamp. You can find it on the Guided Meditation Treks artist page there! You can also stream it below…Guided Meditation Treks, Vol 2 by Guided Meditation Treks […]

Guided Meditation Treks, Vol 2 has been added to BandCamp. You can find it on the Guided Meditation Treks artist page there! You can also stream it below…Guided Meditation Treks, Vol 2 by Guided Meditation Treks […]
The first album, Guided Meditation Treks Volume 1, is available on bandcamp, and can now be streamed right here in this blog post. This album makes meditation easy. Grab your earbuds (for the binaural beats), sit on a chair, sit on the floor, or lie on your back. Close your eyes and enjoy one of these four meditations right now. Released in 2012.Guided Meditation Treks Volume 1 by Guided Meditation Treks […]
In these unprecedented times of quarantines and curfews, the key factor of our human morality we are processing is that of “free will.” Free Will is the most quintessential element of our existence here on planet earth. Of course, we…
With over 100,000 downloads, Binaural is currently the most popular app from Guided Meditation Treks. Of course, it’s the free one. I am working on a pro version with a “next-level” programming experience for Binaural in the mean time. Some of the feedback I get through this website is used to craft the next releases of my apps, as well as address bug fixes on existing apps. Some of the messages are simply messages of gratitude, which I love. These are some of my favorite feedback messages from […]
As a child, one of my favorite albums was a 30 minute cassette tape I bought of a thunderstorm. Many a good night sleep began by cueing it up with my headphones in bed. Since then, I’ve listened to countless nature sounds recordings. One of them, I recorded myself when I lived in Texas on a cool night in San Marcos. With that recording, I had the idea to create a nature sounds album. This album is in the works with new recordings from Costa Rica. myNoise has great nature sounds In the mean ti […]
It has been several years since I’ve visited Ma Ayahuasca, and this story was written back then, but not published until now. Interesting; I think it contains wisdom. Notably, “Humans don’t exactly ‘need’ drugs like ayahuasca, but when we expose…
The Healing Breathwork album is available now on CDBaby as an album or as an app for iOS and Android. The fifth release from Guided Meditation Treks introduces you to the “Healing Breathwork” practice, an active pranayama meditation that is used to transmute stuck emotions and behaviors by activating the respiratory system and heart chakra through the practice. This is a powerful meditation that can come with strong physical and emotional effects. These awakening effec […]
Big news for the android apps!First off, we finally got around to updating Guided Meditation Treks Vol 1 and Guided Meditation Treks Vol 2 Android apps so that all four meditations are included without an additional in-app purchase. This brings android on par with the iOS app, which was updated last year. Now, for 5 bucks, you get all four meditations of the album, which is cheaper than buying the album from iTunes! In fact, it’s half price!Secondly, we have released the beta f […]
Guided Meditation Treks is proud to announce the next album: Healing Breathwork. The culmination of years of life experience with this type of meditation modality and a 4-level training from my mentor on the subject, David Elliott, this is the 5th album from Guided Meditation Treks. The topics for this album go deep into both the light and dark elements of our lives that may need healing.The first track, Stepping Into Your Power, reminds us of the inherent power we have as a soul in this incarn […]
Due to recent changes in the iOS store, as well as feedback from users, the Guided Meditation Treks V1 and V2 apps for iOS have undergone an upgrade. Previously, these apps each came with one meditation, with the option to purchase 3 more. With this change, the app now includes ALL FOUR of the meditations at one price. All previous users of the app will be “grandfathered in” and can receive all of the meditations for free, simply by upgrading to the latest version of the app. As an added token […]