Tag: group-meditation

Meditation transforms roughest San Francisco schools

At first glance, Quiet Time – a stress reduction strategy used in several San Francisco middle and high schools, as well as in scattered schools around the Bay Area – looks like something out of the om-chanting 1960s. Twice daily, a gong sounds in the classroom and rowdy adolescents, who normally can’t sit still for 10 seconds, shut their eyes and try to clear their minds. I’ve spent lots of time in urban schools and have never seen anything like it. This practice – meditation rebra […]

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Global Meditation Celebrates World Spirit Day: December 21

It’s as if humanity has fallen into a great amnesia, forgetting our connection to the land, to each other, to the future and to the past. Organizers of The Unify Global Meditation at 3:03 pm PST on December 21 invite everyone to remember. Filmmaker, Frank Darier Baziere, has created a powerful short video that inspires a beautiful vision of something that is often overlooked and hard to describe, spirit. The Global Coherence Initiative along with The Heartmath Institute, an […]

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